Welcome, brothers!
The Knights of Columbus Swartz Creek Council No. 6694 is pleased to introduce our newest brothers, Anthony and James Skinner who received full membership into the order with their participation in an Exemplification ceremony of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity held on Thursday, July 8th. The ceremony was graciously hosted by the Davison Council of St. John's Catholic Church. Anthony and James are each the brother-in-law of our council's Treasurer, Robert Weld, who was also their proposer. They are residents of Lake Orion but have shown great interest in our council and our activities. We are pleased that they have joined us and know that their enthusiasm will serve our council well. Please join us as we welcome Anthony and James!
Pictured (L-R): GK Lance Wildman, Treasurer Robert P Weld, Brother James Skinner, Brother Anthony Skinner, PGK Jim Drummond, PGK Mike Trundle
Our council desires that all eligible Catholic men 17.5 years of age or older consider joining us and it has never been easier. Simply visit https://kofc.org/joinus to sign-up (reference council 6694) and begin your membership today! Use code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY for 1 year of FREE membership. You have nothing to lose, but much to gain.