M.I. “Tootsie Roll” Drive

Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day
Date: Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th
Location: Morrish / Miller Road Intersection and a Storefront TBD

Scheduled for Friday, September 27th, and Saturday, September 28th.  This event is for the purpose of raising funds in support of local programs which directly benefit individuals in our community who struggle with intellectual disabilities.  Recipients of these proceeds are Area 13 Special Olympics, Vocational Independence Program (VIP), Marion Crouse Instructional Center (MCIC), Elmer Knopf Learning Center (EKLC), Special Needs Scouting and the St. Louis Center.  Community support of our efforts helps to permit individuals exposure to programs they may not otherwise be able to enjoy.

Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day; Where: Morrish / Miller Road Intersection and a storefront TBD; Volunteer: M.I. "Tootsie Roll" Drive - Sign-up Sheet