Reverse Collection for PRCs

Time: After each mass the weekends of 9/10 and 9/17
Date: September 10th, 11th, 17th & 18th
Location: St. Mary Queen of Angels Church

We will be conducting a Reverse Collection to benefit Pregnancy Resource Centers and specifically, Heartbeat of Greater Flint.

The weekend of September 10th and 11th, after communion at each mass our brother Knights will distribute the collection baskets containing slips of paper indicating current needs as defined by Heartbeat.  Our parishioners, if they choose to participate, will take one or more of those slips and the the following weekend, when returning to church, bring that item(s) with them.

The weekend of September 17th and 18th our brother Knights will need to be prepared to recieve the items as they are brought to the church.  Once all items are collected and inventoried, we will deliver them to Heartbeat for their purposes.

Please consider volunteering in some capacity for the next couple of weekends.  Thank You!